[TYPO3] mask
Bas van der Togt
b.vandertogt at profinit.com
Sat Apr 7 18:52:17 CEST 2007
Hello Miroslav,
Final question!
How can i optimize the quality of the rendered image?
I tried quality = 100 but that's not working.
My code:
tt_content.image.20.1.file >
tt_content.image.20.1.file {
import.current = 1
width.field = imagewidth
m.mask {
# Here we create a dynamic mask with the exact same
# dimensions as the actual image, but with rounded corners
XY = [10.w],[10.h]
format = jpg
# Since the "XY" parameter doesn't have stdWrap, we "find"
# the size by simply loading the original image again.
10 = IMAGE
10.file {
import.current = 1
width.field = imagewidth
maxW = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxW}
maxW.override.data = register:maxImageWidth
maxWInText = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxWInText}
maxWInText.override.data = register:maxImageWidthInText
# Create a white box that fills the entire area
20 = BOX
20.dimensions = 0,0,[10.w],[10.h]
20.color = #FFFFFF
# Add Top-Left corner mask
30 = IMAGE
30.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_tl.gif
30.align = l,t
# Add Top-Right corner mask
40 = IMAGE
40.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_tr.gif
40.align = r,t
# Add Bottom-Left corner mask
50 = IMAGE
50.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_bl.gif
50.align = l,b
# Add Bottom-Left corner mask
60 = IMAGE
60.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_br.gif
60.align = r,b
70 = BOX
70.dimensions = 0,60,190,20
70.color = green
# The fastest method (recommended) is using a static image, like this:
#m.bgImg = {$imagePath}clear.gif
# But it can also be done dynamically, like this:
m.bgImg {
# Here we create a dynamic bgMask
# Dimensions of this image WILL BE THE SAME AS MASK'S
XY = [5.w],[5.h]
format = jpg
5 < tt_content.image.20.1.file.m.mask.10
10 = BOX
10.dimensions = 0,0,[5.w],[5.h]
10.color = {$bgColor}
20 = TEXT
20.text.cObject < tt_content.image.20.1.altText
20.offset = 15,75
20.niceText = 1
20.fontSize= 12
20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/verdana.ttf
20.fontColor = #000000
#80.shadow.offset = 2,2
20.shadow.blur = 60
20.shadow.opacity = 40
Miroslav Monkevic schreef:
> Hi,
> Bas van der Togt wrote:
>> Your are right!
>> But now the text is white. How can i make the text black?
>> I tried fontColor = #000000 and black, but that's no working.
> You never give up (like Tapio) . This is good! :)
>> Do you know why?
> I already answered that: because your text is a mask. This way, for any
> fontColor you define for it, resulting text color will be {$bgColor}
> with different level of transparency.
> There are many ways to achieve the effect you want. For example you can
> put text into bgImg:
> tt_content.image.20.1.file >
> tt_content.image.20.1.file {
> import.current = 1
> width.field = imagewidth
> m.mask = GIFBUILDER
> m.mask {
> # Here we create a dynamic mask with the exact same
> # dimensions as the actual image, but with rounded corners
> XY = [10.w],[10.h]
> format = gif
> # Since the "XY" parameter doesn't have stdWrap, we "find"
> # the size by simply loading the original image again.
> 10 = IMAGE
> 10.file {
> import.current = 1
> width.field = imagewidth
> maxW = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxW}
> maxW.override.data = register:maxImageWidth
> maxWInText = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxWInText}
> maxWInText.override.data = register:maxImageWidthInText
> }
> # Create a white box that fills the entire area
> 20 = BOX
> 20.dimensions = 0,0,[10.w],[10.h]
> 20.color = #FFFFFF
> # Add Top-Left corner mask
> 30 = IMAGE
> 30.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_tl.gif
> 30.align = l,t
> # Add Top-Right corner mask
> 40 = IMAGE
> 40.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_tr.gif
> 40.align = r,t
> # Add Bottom-Left corner mask
> 50 = IMAGE
> 50.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_bl.gif
> 50.align = l,b
> # Add Bottom-Left corner mask
> 60 = IMAGE
> 60.file = {$imagePath}cornermask_br.gif
> 60.align = r,b
> 70 = BOX
> 70.dimensions = 0,60,190,20
> 70.color = green
> }
> # The fastest method (recommended) is using a static image, like this:
> #m.bgImg = {$imagePath}clear.gif
> # But it can also be done dynamically, like this:
> m.bgImg = GIFBUILDER
> m.bgImg {
> # Here we create a dynamic bgMask
> # Dimensions of this image WILL BE THE SAME AS MASK'S
> XY = [5.w],[5.h]
> format = gif
> 5 < tt_content.image.20.1.file.m.mask.10
> 10 = BOX
> 10.dimensions = 0,0,[5.w],[5.h]
> 10.color = {$bgColor}
> 80 = TEXT
> 80.text.cObject < tt_content.image.20.1.altText
> 80.offset = 15,75
> 80.fontColor = red
> }
> }
>> cheers,
>> Bas
>> Miroslav Monkevic schreef:
>>> dmc_image_alttext is obsolete, its functionality is in the core long
>>> time ago.
>>> It looks like some other extension was xclassing tslib_cObj and this
>>> is where your problems come from.
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