[TYPO3] On diff patches again
Maarten Zuidland
m.zuidland at mpzg.nl
Wed Apr 4 14:36:20 CEST 2007
I agree with corrado...
I even want to go as far as putting it into a vote among the users...
Maarten Zuidland
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
[mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de] Namens Technical
Verzonden: woensdag 4 april 2007 14:06
Aan: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de
Onderwerp: Re: [TYPO3] On diff patches again
Benjamin Mack wrote:
> Hey,
> Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
>> You can create diff files yourself if you need.
> That's right. Should be fairly easy to create the patch out of the 4.1
> branch in SVN.
Yes it is.
I was wondering why should that not be the default way of upgrading,
it is so straightforward, reduces the bandwidth usage, reduce the time
the update, you can avoid relinking and many other advantages, the
is much smaller and you can understand exactly where it acts, so many
I think we should discuss it.
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