[TYPO3] FE Sessions

Johannes Reichardt typo3 at gramba.de
Sat Oct 28 02:08:36 CEST 2006

Hi there,

i am currently working on a "web 2.0" project and have quite simple but 
stupid problem.

I can not determine with js if a user is logged in or not. Before 
upgrading Typo3 to 4.0.2 or so i had a cookie called 
"fe_typo_user_login" or something like that.
This cookie contained some data and let my javascripts know if the user 
is logged in or not.

Now this cookie is gone. Anyway, i still wonder why the fe_session 
cookie stays even after logging out? If this would be gone after logging 
out i would be a step further.
Right now the only way to determine if someone is logged is via an ajax 
call to a php function that checks that for me.

All not so good ;)

So - does anybody know that problem? Or has a solution to this? Best 
would be if i could configurate typo3 to delete the "fe_typo_user" 
cookie after logout...

Any hints?

- Johannes

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