[TYPO3] Changing the rendering of a single content element

Vlatko Šurlan vlatko at RMVCAPSnet.hr
Mon Oct 23 13:16:59 CEST 2006

After a week of strugle I must come back and look for help. My task is 
to change the rendering of news content element via TS. Now, normaly 
this is easy, but I have two instance of news on the same page and I 
need to set the limit to different values. I have discovered RECORDS. 
This is some example code that gets me thinking that I could use it to 
do my job.

10.tables = tt_content
10.wrap = <parent>|</parent>

Now this should wrap every content object in parent tag. I thought 
maybee I could use it to do the following:

If the content element id is n change the limit for the news to m.

Is this possible? Thank you.

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