[TYPO3] 2nd Levelmenu in a GMENU_FOLDOUT does not show up [SOLVED]
Dr. Reiner Pietrzak
reiner.pietrzak at positive-news.de
Thu Oct 19 11:35:53 CEST 2006
As there was no response from the list - maybe nobody uses
GMENU_FOLDOUT? - I had time to think it all over. And there was a very
simple solution:
I added Menu subparts to my html template (+ext template for the submenu
branch) directly after the initial Menu subpart:
<!--###MENU_LEVEL1### start-->
<!--###MENU_LEVEL1### stop-->
<!--###MENU_LEVEL2### start-->
<!--###MENU_LEVEL2### stop-->
<!--###MENU_LEVEL1A### start-->
<!--###MENU_LEVEL1A### stop-->
and filled them up with the desired Menu typoscript statements (see
Now the submenu (Level 2) is available directly at initial display of
the page and needs no extra script inclusion
(page.includeLibs.gemenu_foldout = media/scripts/gmenu_foldout.php).
This solution works well with CSS based templates. Maybe this is of
value for others?
Thanks for completely ignoring my problem. So I found the solution
myself. From my point of view the GMENU_FOLDOUT could be completely
kicked off from the GMENU definitions in Typoscript because it doesn't
actually add value to GMENU definitions and in part doesn't function at
all with modern approachs of template scripting (CSS based).
Am Montag, den 09.10.2006, 21:06 +0200 schrieb Dr. Reiner Pietrzak:
> Hi,
> I created a foldout menu as follows:
> temp.menu_level1 = HMENU
> temp.menu_level1.entryLevel = 0
> temp.menu_level1.1 = GMENU_FOLDOUT
> temp.menu_level1.1.expAll = 1
> temp.menu_level1.1.NO {
> XY =136,89
> transparentBackground = 1
> 5 = IMAGE
> 5.file = image0*.png
> 20 = TEXT
> 20.text.field = nav_title // title
> 20.align = center
> 20.offset = 0,45
> 20.fontColor = #CC3366
> 20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futuran.ttf
> 20.fontSize = 12
> }
> temp.menu_level1.1.RO < temp.menu_level1.1.NO
> temp.menu_level1.1.RO = 1
> temp.menu_level1.1.RO {
> 5.file = image1*.PNG
> 20.align = right
> 20.offset = -28,28
> 20.fontColor = #CC3366
> 20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futurani.ttf
> 20.fontSize = 14
> }
> temp.menu_level1.1.ACT < temp.menu_level1.1.RO
> temp.menu_level1.1.ACT = 1
> temp.menu_level1.1.ACT.wrap = <TR VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=LEFT><TD WIDTH=136
> HEIGHT=89>|</TD></TR>
> temp.menu_level1.1.ACT {
> 5.file = image1*.PNG
> }
> temp.menu_level1.2 = GMENU
> temp.menu_level1.2.NO {
> XY =125,26
> transparentBackground = 1
> 5 = IMAGE
> 5.file =image*.gif
> 20 = TEXT
> 20.text.field = nav_title // title
> 20.offset = 33,17
> 20.align = left
> 20.fontColor = #CC3366
> 20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futuran.ttf
> 20.fontSize = 11
> }
> temp.menu_level1.2.RO < temp.menu_level1.2.NO
> temp.menu_level1.2.RO = 1
> temp.menu_level1.2.RO {
> 5.file = imagex*.gif
> 20.offset = -13,17
> 20.align =right
> 20.fontColor = #FFFFFF
> 20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futurani.ttf
> 20.fontSize = 12
> }
> temp.menu_level1.2.ACT < temp.menu_level1.2.RO
> temp.menu_level1.2.ACT = 1
> temp.menu_level1.2.ACT.wrap = <TR VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=LEFT><TD WIDTH=125
> HEIGHT=26>|</TD></TR>
> temp.menu_level1.2.ACT {
> 5.file = imagex*.gif
> 20.fontColor = #FFFFFF
> }
> temp.menu_level1.1 {
> stayFolded = 1
dontLinkIfSubmenu = 1
menuOffset = 8,47
foldSpeed = 1
foldTimer = 40
subMenuOffset = -1,99
> }
The settings above made my foldout menu fold out on mouse click, but it
is still not expanded directly when the page is displayed nor on mouse
over at least as a desired RO effect. But the main problem was the CSS
styled content. After I had changed the htmlpage to dynamic table layout
instead of CSS layout the menu was no longer hidden between graphical
layers in the background (s.b). There seems to be an incompatibility
between GMENU_FOLDOUT and CSS styled content even in TYPO3 Version 4.0 I
tried before. This is certainly a bug to be removed similar to the bug
fix extension 'admin panel wrap' for the admin panel and should be
enabled as a standard part of the TYPO3 installation just from the
> the template is based on a htmlpage with CSS styled content. The 2nd
> level menu simply doesn't show up. The whole menu seems to be hidden
> between the background and an in part transparent graphical layer behind
> the menu and content layers of the page. Reminds me to the problem with
> the admin-panel not being clickable as long as I hadn't installed the
> admin panel wrap extension.
> A GMENU_LAYERS under the same conditions works without problems. But the
> behaviour to expand horizontally from a vertical 1st level menu is not
> desired. Both, the 1st and 2nd level menu should expand vertically and
> that seems only to be achievable by GMENU_FOLDOUT.
> Anyone any idea how to make the foldout menu working?
But there's still the question, how to make GMENU_FOLDOUT folding out at
initial display of the page instead of only on mouse click and not eben
on mouse over?!
None of the settings stayFolded for GMENU_FOLDOUT resp. expAll, collapse
for the GMENU of the 2nd layer makes the menu foldout initially without
user action. Anyone any idea?
!positive multimedia
Dr.-Ing. Reiner Pietrzak
Anecampstraße 21b
30539 Hannover
tel. +49-511-95286649
fax +49-511-9526064
email reiner.pietrzak at positive-news.de
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