[TYPO3] tt_news not creating links

Tan Le tanl at flirtcreative.com.au
Wed Oct 18 03:49:29 CEST 2006

Hi guys,

I am using typo3 4.0.0 with tt_news, when I try to create a text link in
the RTE to another page in the trees, the HTML output is this: 
<link 69 - internal-link "Opens internal link in current window"></link>

And the links don't work at all, but when I try to create a link on a
normal content element it works fine.

Have I done something wrong with tt_news config? This is the only thing
I have in TS:

plugin.tt_news.templateFile = fileadmin/templates/access/employment.html
plugin.tt_news { 
general_stdWrap >

         newsFiles {
             // size = 1
              size.wrap = &nbsp;(|&nbsp;bytes)
              icon = 1
          displayList {
	      date_stdWrap.strftime = %d-%m-%y
	      //alternatingLayouts =  10	          
	      subheader_stdWrap.wrap = |	      
    limit = 10

Thanks for any help in advance :)


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