[TYPO3] Extension templates
Krystian Szymukowicz
t33k.RE.MO.VE at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Mon Oct 16 07:52:12 CEST 2006
JoH asenau wrote:
> Well - it makes sense to split up the whole setup into smaller chunks for
> each part of this setup. You can have temp.topmenu, temp.leftmenu,
> temp.content, temp.news, temp.whatever - each of them in it's own
> TS-template.
> Then you can include and use them on demand with "include basis template".
> After including the template you can use the temp.whatever element defined
> in this template wherever you like.
Exactly. This is the way I use too. Additionally I make some
categorization also on higher level with proper system folder
categorization (fe. config, subparts, plugin configuration).
So I have
|-- subparts
| |
| |-- temp.menu
| |-- temp.something
|-- plugins
|--- tt_news
|--- indexed_search
|--- other ext special config
But I have one question. Does such splitting of template have serious
impact on page time generation? Does TYPO3 make more queries to database
or not?
Recently I switched to INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT just because of that but
well.. frankly speaking I did not noticed much time generation improvement.
Anyway I would like to hear a word from people who knows internals of TYPO3.
Krystian Szymukowicz
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