[TYPO3] RealURL - recursive autoUpdatePathCache
Dmitry Dulepov
dmitry at typo3.org
Thu Oct 12 07:41:22 CEST 2006
Jeff Segars wrote:
> I recently came across the autoUpdatePathCache option in RealURL to
> automatically update page paths when a title, alias, etc changes and
> have found it to be very helpful.
> The one limitation I've seen is that the page paths for subpages are not
> updated when the parent page is. I took a quick look at the code and it
> didn't appear that there any options for it that I'd missed.
> Is this something that could be possible or is it a bad idea?
Definitely could but it may raise problems with performance. Imagine if
you have thousand page under renamed page. It will require to compute
path for all of them.
In fact I do not use this option at all because it causes UPDATE mysql
call for each visit. It is not a problem if InnoDb engine is used but it
is a problem for MyISAM (which typo3 uses for its tables) because MyISAM
will lock the whole table for update.
If I rename a page I simply flush cache manually.
> (Dmitry, I guess this is probably directed at you, as if you're haven't
> been busy enough answering questions on this list already :) )
I have morning coffee at the moment, so I share two pleasures: coffee
and answering here ;)
Dmitry Dulepov
Web: http://typo3bloke.net/
Skype: callto:liels_bugs
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities." (A.P.W.B.D.)
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