[TYPO3] completely remove extension

Mauro Lorenzutti mauro.lorenzutti at webformat.com
Tue Oct 10 17:31:17 CEST 2006

Hi Jamie,

> Im sure it is probably a simple task, but how do i completely remove an
> extension, including from the install view of the extension manager

Go to the extension manager, select the extension you want to delete,
uninstall it and than select "backup/delete" from the drop-down. Now
you can delete the extension.

To delete tables and fields created by the extension you have to go to
the install tool->database analyzer and than you have to click over
"COMPARE". After you have to check the tables and the fields you want
to drop.

 Mauro Lorenzutti

e-mail:  mauro.lorenzutti at webformat.com

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