[TYPO3] 2nd Levelmenu in a GMENU_FOLDOUT does not show up

Dr. Reiner Pietrzak reiner.pietrzak at positive-news.de
Mon Oct 9 21:06:13 CEST 2006


I created a foldout menu as follows:

temp.menu_level1 = HMENU
temp.menu_level1.entryLevel = 0
temp.menu_level1.1 = GMENU_FOLDOUT
temp.menu_level1.1.expAll = 1
temp.menu_level1.1.NO {
    XY =136,89
    transparentBackground = 1
    5 = IMAGE
    5.file = image0*.png
    20 = TEXT
    20.text.field = nav_title // title
    20.align = center
    20.offset = 0,45
    20.fontColor = #CC3366
    20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futuran.ttf
    20.fontSize = 12
temp.menu_level1.1.RO < temp.menu_level1.1.NO
temp.menu_level1.1.RO = 1
temp.menu_level1.1.RO {
    5.file = image1*.PNG
    20.align = right
    20.offset = -28,28
    20.fontColor = #CC3366
    20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futurani.ttf
    20.fontSize = 14
temp.menu_level1.1.ACT < temp.menu_level1.1.RO
temp.menu_level1.1.ACT = 1
temp.menu_level1.1.ACT.wrap = <TR VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=LEFT><TD WIDTH=136
 temp.menu_level1.1.ACT {
    5.file = image1*.PNG

temp.menu_level1.2 = GMENU
temp.menu_level1.2.NO {
    XY =125,26
    transparentBackground = 1
    5 = IMAGE
    5.file =image*.gif
    20 = TEXT
    20.text.field = nav_title // title
    20.offset = 33,17
    20.align = left
    20.fontColor = #CC3366
    20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futuran.ttf
    20.fontSize = 11
temp.menu_level1.2.RO < temp.menu_level1.2.NO
temp.menu_level1.2.RO = 1
temp.menu_level1.2.RO {
    5.file = imagex*.gif
    20.offset = -13,17
    20.align =right
    20.fontColor = #FFFFFF
    20.fontFile = t3lib/fonts/futurani.ttf
    20.fontSize = 12
temp.menu_level1.2.ACT < temp.menu_level1.2.RO
temp.menu_level1.2.ACT = 1
temp.menu_level1.2.ACT.wrap = <TR VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=LEFT><TD WIDTH=125
 temp.menu_level1.2.ACT {
    5.file = imagex*.gif
    20.fontColor = #FFFFFF

temp.menu_level1.1 {
    stayFolded = 1
    bottomHeight = 156
    menuWidth = 136
    subMenuOffset = 200,10

the template is based on a htmlpage with CSS styled content. The 2nd
level menu simply doesn't show up. The whole menu seems to be hidden
between the background and an in part transparent graphical layer behind
the menu and content layers of the page. Reminds me to the problem with
the admin-panel not being clickable as long as I hadn't installed the
admin panel wrap extension. 

A GMENU_LAYERS under the same conditions works without problems. But the
behaviour to expand horizontally from a vertical 1st level menu is not
desired. Both, the 1st and 2nd level menu should expand vertically and
that seems only to be achievable by GMENU_FOLDOUT.

Anyone any idea how to make the foldout menu working? 

!positive multimedia
Dr.-Ing. Reiner Pietrzak
Anecampstraße 21b
30539 Hannover

tel.    +49-511-95286649
fax     +49-511-9526064
email   reiner.pietrzak at positive-news.de

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