[TYPO3] 'Symlinking' on Windows to reduce eAccelerator mem load?
Joerg Wagner
jwagner at digilog.de
Mon Oct 2 20:27:06 CEST 2006
Hello Peter,
thanks for your answer.
Yes, I already use junction.exe from SysInternals. There are also some
alternatives mentioned here:
But as I said, I assume the Win junctions to be completely transparent, so
eAccelerator will cache each junction seperately because it cannot recognize
that they all lead to the same source path. But I will create a test
scenario soon to verify that and will report my findings...
THX again.
Jörg Wagner
"Peter Russ" <peter.russ at 4many.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.1.1159792030.28333.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Joerg Wagner schrieb:
>> Thanks, Dmitry.
>> Yes, I have Typo3 running on several Windows 2003 production servers and
>> it performs very well.
>> Unfortunatelly it is a sad truth that the Linux vs. Windows debate very
>> often exhibits fundamentalistic characteristics that are not so far away
>> from religious wars. It seems to be very hard for humans to act on
>> thinking and observation and not on heavily repeated believes.
>> The symlink / junction / eAccelerator problem is not a Typo3 problem -
>> allthough some kind of PHP accelerator for Typo3 is strongly recommended
>> for more complex Typo-Sites and thus will always pose the mentioned
>> problem on Win systems. So I would still be happy for any idea how this
>> could be solved.
>> Thanks again.
>> --
>> Jorg Wagner
>> [...]
> Hallo Joerg,
> did you ever try _junction_ from www.sysinternals.com to create or delete
> symlinks on Windows:
> http://www.sysinternals.com/utilities/junction.html
> Might help.
> Regs.Peter.
> --
> Fiat lux!
> Docendo discimus.
> _____________________________
> 4Many® Services
> openBC: http://www.openbc.com/go/invuid/Peter_Russ
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