[TYPO3] templavoila: editing the header parts

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Mon Mar 20 07:48:53 CET 2006


Honestly I don' understand why people use TemlaVoila at all!

The FE editing of TemplaVoila 0.4 is awful bad - I don't know
if there is some bug fixes.

You can put to edit panels 'toolbar' (the toolbar is the same that is in 
the admin panel). That has content element wizard.

The content element wizard in the FE
works without pop-up-window support really awful bad way:

Wizard - BE view of TemplaVoila - Wizard again - BE -view again - close 
window - *EXTREMELY* confusing.
I can't imagine worse behavior! I hope that this behavior is fixed in 
TemplaVoila 0.6.
The user is *totally lost* after he has used the wizard!

If the new content element wizard in FE toolbar is in pop-up-window
the situation is not so bad. Tm_contentaccess support actions in the 
'toolbar' in pop-up-windows.

But the problem is still that the wizard has too many steps and 
inconsistent behavior.

If the behavior could be in FE showing BE-view, where you create a new 
content element like in BE, the situation would be tolerable.

I altered tm_contentaccess so, that using TemplaVoila the link point to 
the BE-view (/ext/templavoila/mod1/index.php).

The BE view itself works as wizard to put element into certain place. 
Then content wizard would select the correct type. That works but
you must close the window from the default x-icon of the browser window.
When you close the window the page will not be refreshed.

I could fix this - if someone could pay something. In order to get this 
work it needs some changes to TemplaVoila.

TemplaVoila has still lot of bad FE functionality problems. You can 
eliminate them taking off or not using at all

1) in edit panels move up, move down, new (record after); move up/down 
don't have any effect using TemplaVoila and 'new' puts *extremely 
confusing way* new elements to unused elements and newbee user it 
totally lost and confused becaus he don't know, where is new element - 
he can't see it in FE! *AWFUL BAD BEHAVIOR*.

2) 'Save and new button' - new content becomes into unused elements (the 
  same problem as in the case 1))
  and the user is *TOTALLY LOST!*

The link 'Create new content' in the toolbar  would be the *only* way
to create new content in FE at reasonable way.

It is possible to build fair working FE editing for TemplaVoila - but 
the functionality is still far from good. It is far from the 
functionality, which can be build for the standard page module.

tm_contentaccess gives you competitive well working frontend editing

username: tester
password: tester

go directly to front end editing and go to some sub-page - now you see 
frontend editing, which I regard as satisfactory.

What TemplaVoila would need to be close that functionality

1) in edit panels 'new' should store elemenreferences to the table 

2) move up/ move down should be replaced with cut/cop and they should 
store elemenreferences to the table tx_templavoila_elementreferences

3) create new content element wizard should have an extra parameter, 
which carries the info that pop-up window is used to the file 
/ext/templavoila/mod1/index.php and that file to /typo3/alt_doc.php

4) Save and new shold take account tx_templavoila_elementreferences

The main issue is that FE editing should in all situations, which relate 
with moving or creating new content elements the table 
tx_templavoila_elementreferences should be updates.
Because FE editing has been done for the standard page module
this doesn't happen. Because new element don't have elementreferences,
new elements becomes to unused elements - which is *extremaly annoying 
for everybody*!

In order to get this work just now it needs hard XCLASSing for
the 'class.tslib_content.php'

If someone is eager to pay me something I could try.
I don't use TemplaVoila and I'm that's why not
very interested to do that for free.
If someone give remarkable help, I could do that for free adding
new features to tm_contentaccess, when you could get competitive,
well working FE editing also for TemplaVoila.

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