[TYPO3] extension "FE user registration" add field not work

racco raczek at open.infi.pl
Sun Mar 12 00:54:34 CET 2006

Richard Paquet napisał(a):
> Hi everybody,
> I want to add field to user form.
> Steps:
> 1- Create extension and extended fe_users table
> It work because in the backend  on the user record, I see the new field.
> 2- Modify the template 
> 3- I add my field to formFields 
> plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1.formFields = email,password,telephone,first_name, last_name,tel_residence
> 4-  I add some line for language and rules
> plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.languageCode.tel_residence = Téléphone Résidence
> plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.languageCode.missing_tel_residence = Vous devez entrer votre téléphone de résidence
> plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.languageCode.evalErrors_evalRuleName_tel_residence = 
> and in front end I see marker for my new field:
>       Veuillez compléter les informations de votre compte
>       Mot de passe: *
>       Une seconde fois: 
>       Prénom: *
>       Nom: *
>       Téléphone: 
>       Courrier électronique: *
>       Groupe d'utilisateurs: *
>         Étudiants Cycle 1Étudiants Cycle 2
>       N.B.: Les champs marqués d'un * doivent être complétés!
> Any idea?


Are you sure your new field is called exactly tel_residence? Check it is 
not sth like tx_yournewextension_tel_residence - if yes, then you must 
substitute all occurences of tel_residence in either your template and 
setup with tx_yournewextension_tel_residence.

hope it works


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