[TYPO3] communication between TS objects in different FCE fields

Amiran Chyb amiran.chyb at stopspam.gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 09:03:50 CET 2006


I'm designing an FCE which is going to be a teaser to a page. The page ID  
to which teaser would point would be selected by user in "link" type DS  
field. The problem is, I'd like to show, next to the link, number of  
comments submitted on that page.
For that reason I wrote custom php function that checks this value, when  
provided with pageid.
It's in a different field of this FCE, and it's TS code looks like this:


        10 = TEXT
        10.value= comments number:
        20 = USER_INT
        20.userFunc = user_count_comments_class->count
        20.pageid = 12

the problem is that '11.pageid' field's value should be set dynamically.  
Ideally, it would fetch it somehow from the LINK field of this FCE, which  
would be chosen by user.

My questions:

1) how to extract id of a page chosen in LINK fce field into some TS object

2) how to set different TS object in a different field of this FCE with  
this value? what about variable scope in this case?

thanks a lot

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