[TYPO3] localized labels in template
Oleg L. Sverdlov
oleg at ols.co.il
Thu Jun 29 19:39:44 CEST 2006
I have a website with template built according to MTB tutorials. No TV.
The website owner should be able to edit elements of the template -
labels, footer/header etc. I've came up with the following approach:
- Created a hidden page with self-describing name, say "TEMPLATE ELEMENTS"
- Created a record on the page for each localized element
- To change label text, the owner will edit each record.
Used a TS construct like
lib.customelement = RECORDS
lib.customelement {
# remove tt_content custom wrapper
conf.tt_content.stdWrap.dataWrap = |
# render only one element
conf.tt_content.stdWrap.field = bodytext
dontCheckPid = 1
tables = tt_content
page.10 {
marks.LABEL1 < lib.customelement
marks.LABEL1.source = 101
marks.LABEL2 < lib.customelement
marks.LABEL2.source = 102
where 101 and 102 are records' UID. There are several problems with this
1) The website is multilingual, and the approach uses UID's instead of
page IDs.
2) the solution is not portable between installations (have to change
.source manually).
3) HTML markup in bodytext is garbled.
Anyone have better idea on how to impmenent it? In the archives I saw
one post from Dmitri circa 2005, with no replies.
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