[TYPO3] (no subject) multiple sites in one installation
Jamie Lawrence Jenner
forums at webgremlins.net
Tue Jun 27 17:04:13 CEST 2006
thansk for the response ;-)
Did you find that having multiple instances caused a heavy server load,
especially if not cacheing pages/refreshing the cache?
one problem we have found, with just one installation, and editing in the
back end, is that it nearly crashed our server when the cache was cleared!.
hmmn, i see what you mean though, db access could be a problem with many
But then, if we have multiple sites on one installation and one top level
admin, they could regularly check that pages are being cacched and for other
performance related stuff.
We would have access to the command line of the mysql database, as it our
own servers, with our own isp team.
If we ran a dedicated server with one installation, then we could have lots
of (like you say) similar functionality sites, (ie with news, and blog),
then i presume that the server would run with all sites, acting like it was
a single site.
In other words, 2 sites with 100 pages an hour, this would be like running a
single site with 200 pages per hour.
Then i suppose we could go into clustered environments..... havent got a
clue how that would work!
thanks for your advice
does anyone have any more comments?
-----Original Message-----
From: typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
[mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de]On Behalf Of Chris Paige
Sent: 27 June 2006 15:30
To: TYPO3 English
Subject: Re: [TYPO3] (no subject)
Hi Jamie,
I ran a single installation for many months, while I was using shared
hosting (with unlimited add-on domains allowed) to get oriented to TYPO3.
It allowed me to efficiently use my disk space to host many websites. I had
at least 7 websites running in there -- though none was very high in
traffic. cc_awstats can certainly do stats by domain.
One additional con I would mention is that when errors of significance
happen, it may impact all of the websites. So say I adjust localconf.php or
install a new extension that causes the installation to crash. Well, then
it's not just one site that crashes. It's all of them hosted on that
installation. (I manage to do that regularly while making adjustments to
Also the mySQL database became VERY large. Still functional, but restoring
a full backup without command line mySQL access was rather problematic.
The more extensions used (with fields added), the larger the db would grow.
I don't think there is any way to make an extension apply only to one site
or another. The tables are shared which means extension adjustments apply
to all.
With higher traffic or many more websites, you would have to start thinking
about how all of the websites and every page served would all be accessing
that same mySQL database. This could be a bottleneck, depending on volume.
I never had trouble, but like I said I had low traffic.
Once I got a reseller account and now a virtual private server, I started
doing seperate installs for seperate websites. It's cleaner and easier to
maintain that way. I still use the multiple domain functions to manage
subdomains and alternate (parked) domains. But everything in the install is
related. Actually, I do still run a few (three) small websites on a single
installation. I could imagine using a single installation for multiple
independent but similar websites that use the same extensions and such. But
if you have access to VDS or dedicated, I would recommend seperating things
out -- unless you have good reason to combine.
----- Original Message -----
From: <forums at webgremlins.net>
To: <typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 11:06 AM
Subject: [TYPO3] (no subject)
> Hi all,
> I am currently looking to setup a single installation of Typo3, with
> multiple
> sites running within it
> Ok, here are some pros and cons of this, i was wondering what other issues
> there
> may be
> Pros
> One installation to manage
> Top level admin can install extensions,
> Top Level has control of all sites in one place
> Cons
> SSL,
> stats
> I now have a few questions
> SSL - Can sites run in this manner have their own ssl certificate? do they
> have
> to use a shared ssl
> Extensions - Can an extension be granted for one site, and not another?
> Stats - Is it possible, are there extensions, to show full stats for an
> individual site,
> Hardware - Is it best to run this type of setup under a VDS or a dedicated
> server?
> Limitations - How many sites can be run in this manner? (what sort of real
> world
> examples are there?
> I would appreciate any comments or advice people may have in running Typo3
> in
> this way
> Many Thanks
> Jamie
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