[TYPO3] Different tt_content.stdWrap.wrap based on colPos
info at cybercraft.de
Tue Jun 20 19:13:28 CEST 2006
>> I've looked online and found things like this
>> tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap = CASE
> I have been trying that, but you know, after a day or two of adding
> code that you've picked up from the list archive some of which works
> (badly) and some of which doesn't work at all, you kinda lose heart.
> Back to the search I guess :)
tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap.cObject = CASE
outerWrap is just a string + additional stdWrap.
So outerWrap = CASE just gives you the string CASE as a wrap, while the
above solution will create outerWrap out of a CASE element.
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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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