[TYPO3] Dreamweaver and Typo3
Alex Heizer
alex at tekdevelopment.com
Tue Jun 20 18:41:06 CEST 2006
Tine Müller wrote:
> "Simon Browning" wrote
>> Yes and no. Once the page templates have been created we bring them into
>> Typo3 and map them with templavoila. After that Dreamweaver is for the
>> most part out of the picture, though we still use it for tweaking the
>> stylesheet.
>> One of the great things about typo3 is that it can be implemented with
>> pretty much any design, it doesn't really matter whether you code by hand,
>> use Dreamweaver, Golive, Frontpage (yuck!) or whatever. Have a look at
>> the showroom newslist, there are some great examples in there .. or the
>> references on typo3.com (http://typo3.com/References.1249.0.html), pretty
>> much any of those could have been created with Dreamweaver.
> Thanks very much to all that have answered me.
> So you are saying that I can take a site which uses Dreamweaver Templates
> http://www.dreamweavermx-templates.com/tutorials/tutnewtemplate.cfm and make
> it to a Typo3 site? But what about the extensions used in Dreamweaver
> <http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm#loc=en_us&view=sn120&viewName=Dreamweaver%20Exchange>
> and especially from projectseven
> http://www.projectseven.com/extensions/listing.htm?
You create your design and HTML in DW, then use that
HTML/CSS/Javascript, etc., and put it into your T3 installation. Then,
you learn how T3 works with your HTML/CSS to display your site. The only
real difference with all the extensions and creating "templates" in DW
is that with T3 you only need to create your main HTML/CSS files, and
all pages and menus are created from that. So you don't need a
"template" in the normal DW sense, that handles menus and such, with
specified editable regions. Just create the design and HTML/CSS and a
lot of the automatic features you get in extensions are part of T3's
templating system.
> I have bought this book
> <http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1904811418/203-0359226-1978364?v=glance&n=266239>
> and I thought that I could read about this in this book. What Chapter/Pages
> should I read? Or should I read the Golive tutorial as Alex say?
For a good overview of how T3 interacts with your HTML template, start
with the GoLive tutorial, since it shows you a lot of how the two work
together to put content into your design. Using TemplaVoila hides a lot
of what's happening and can be confusing when you need to start
troubleshooting if you don't have the basic concepts down, so I'd
recommend against using that extension until you have a good grasp of
how to work with templating in TYPO3.
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