[TYPO3] Different tt_content.stdWrap.wrap based on colPos

Tyler Kraft headhunterxiii at yahoo.ca
Tue Jun 20 16:06:57 CEST 2006

previously answered, search past posts

Another Vision wrote:
> Hi List
> Sorry if this is a bit of a newbie question but I've been wrestling with
> something in typo3 4.0 with the new default htmlArea RTE...
> What I'd like is for content elements in the right or left hand columns to
> have a stdWrap applied in exactly the same way that 
> tt_content.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="myWrapper"> | </div> 
> would work, and to leave content elements in the normal column unwrapped.
> I've tried
> tt_content{
>   stdWrap.wrap = <div class="myWrapper"> | </div>
>   if.isTrue.field = colPos
> }
> to the template TS setup, but for reasons I don't understand, that prevents
> the content in the normal column from rendering at all.
> I've looked online and found things like this
> tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap = CASE
> tt_content.stdWrap.outerWrap {
>     key.field = colPos
>     default = TEXT
>     default.value =  default|wrap
>     1 = TEXT
>     1.value = another|wrap
>     2 = TEXT
>     2.value = another|wrap
>     3 = TEXT
>     3.value = another|wrap
> }
> but so far none of the suggestions has worked very well (the above one
> doesn't work and just adds TEXT in caps above the content elements) 
> and this one 
> http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-english/2005-August/010267.html
> causes problems elsewhere.
> I'm confused because 
> tt_content.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="myWrapper"> | </div> 
> offers exactly the functionality I need, and it feels like there should be a
> really simple way of applying it to just certain columns... has anyone done
> this before?
> Thanks for any advice
> Mike

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