[TYPO3] template implementation
Ryan Off
ryan at ryanoff.com
Wed Jun 14 17:22:55 CEST 2006
Speaking of templates, which seem to cause quite a lot of confusion
in Typo3, is there any place where people are are sharing there
templates with each other? Or at least HTML (pre-templates) with the
design and ID tags ready to drop into templavoila? I created a basic
template which I created into an extension and posted it in the
repository, with over 3500 downloads it sounds like this would be
more useful to others. Is there any movement in the Typo3 community
to make a template repository? Or is there any guidelines on how to
create shareable templates?
I'm just surprised that I have yet to find a huge assortment of other
free templates available for Typo3 like most other CMSes. I know this
might be a result of the ease of using Templavoila, but still there
is some preparation work needed before a standard site can be have a
template working. Some more plug-play easability to Typo3 for
standard features could help.
On 14 Jun 2006, at 15:22, Thijs Hakkenberg wrote:
> The method I prefer is very simple and based on colaboration with
> others
> with no knowledge of Typo3 whatsoever;
> I have a template (validated XHTML/CSS) in which I open multiple
> stylesheets:
> <link href="res/body.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/news.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/menu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/dirlist.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/forms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/typo3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/talenselector.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/sitemap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="screen"/>
> <link href="res/printversie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="print" />
> <link href="res/pda.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> media="handheld" />
> And in this template I have many examples of extensions so I can
> see how they will look eventually.
> If someone else makes the template for me, I sent them example
> stylesheets per extension and an example template of the extension
> in question.
> Futhermore; static parts in templates I get with the MARKS
> declaration (###ITEM1###).
> You can also get your CSS from the backend, but I prefer this
> method, because a templatebuilder only needs knowledge of (X)HTML/CSS.
> Regards,
> dave ashton schreef:
>> Hi all,
>> After seeing a lot of questions on here about how to implement
>> various
>> aspects of a template/extensions/configurations of extensions, do
>> any of
>> your have preferred ways of implementing a template?
>> The reason for asking - a year ago when I first started using
>> typo3 and
>> reading a few tuts. on line, I ended up integrating the extensions
>> - CSS
>> Styled Content, Template Auto-Parser and HTML/CSS Styling
>> extensions, I
>> think from doing the 'modern template building' tuts.
>> I then just edit the stylesheet and html template in the HTML/CSS
>> Styling
>> folder, using the specified div's in the html template to drop
>> content -
>> (div id="content" is where all 'normal column content goes, then
>> style this
>> up in the style sheet.)(no setup code is in the admin. setup field
>> and the
>> below is auto inserted into the constant field by the plugin -
>> relPath = typo3conf/ext/htmlcssstyling/template/main/
>> TemplateName = threecolumn.html
>> pidSharedContent = 4
>> StylesheetName = stylesheet_main.css
>> This will give me a basic template and nav. Lovely and simple.
>> This works for me on simple sites, but now, I am needing more
>> typoscript to
>> configure aspects of the site, eg. A simple horizontal menu. (I've
>> found I
>> need to put the setup code in the setup.txt file in the html/css
>> styling
>> 'static' folder and not in the 'setup' box in the admin. (this did
>> work
>> without html/css styling installed. With it installed it doesn't???)
>> Well, after all that wind, do people feel it better to build a
>> template from
>> scratch as above, do a template completely via typoscript or use
>> something
>> like templavoila?
>> I know there are always a few ways to skin a cat in typo3, but its
>> good to
>> know people's preferences in these matters.
>> Also, anyone know when the o`reiley 'typo cookbook' is coming out??
>> Regards,
>> Dave
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> --
> Thijs Hakkenberg,
> Voorzitter Stichting Ebriositas
> www.ebriositas.nl
> Student Natuurkunde UvA
> www.uva.nl
> Systeembeheerder Stichting Varkens in Nood
> www.varkensinnood.nl
> Contact:
> tel: 06-48761131
> www.hakkenberg.com
> thijs at hakkenberg.com
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