[TYPO3] Erase Pencils in Printversion
bedlamhotel at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 17:11:09 CEST 2006
On 6/9/06, Thomas Menzel <menzel at ds5120.fb12.tu-berlin.de> wrote:
> @Christopher:
> >This should work in the Mozilla family of browsers and Opera and
> probably in Safari/Konqueror too: */
> >a[href=#] { display:none; }
> is almost true.
> The # must be in " ":
Yes, I'd just noticed that--it's odd, because the examples in the spec
do not use quotes.
> a[href="#"] { display:none; }
> /*Works in Mozilla Netscape 7.2,... not in IE6. and Netscape 8.1*/
I wonder what AOL's done--one of NS8.x rendering engines is the same
as Mozilla/Firefox. There's no chance you've got your test version of
Netscape 8 set to use the IE engine is there?
I also find that Opera, while it does support attribue selectors, does
not understand them if the value is '#'.
As for the IE thing, a) the expression works, but at least some of the
spaces have to come out, and b) IE apparently has some trouble
evaluating it with 'this.href'...it's kind of weird.
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