[TYPO3] TYPO3 and "SET NAMES 'utf8'" MySQL hack

Cyprian Kowalczyk cyprian at pi2.pl
Sat Jun 3 17:34:40 CEST 2006

On Sat, 03 Jun 2006 16:54:30 +0200, Jochen Rieger <j.rieger at connecta.ag>  

> also letters that you enter now after you made those settings? Also you  
> should check the mysql settings in my.cnf.

Yes, and I get the following error:
102: These fields are not properly updated in database: (bodytext)  
Probably value mismatch with fieldtype.

Moreover I get these errors even when I get rid od the hack in  
Something is definitelly wrong :/


regards, Cyprian
http://pi2.pl ~ π^2 design project

TYPO3 4.0 @ MAMP1.1 [Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) + PHP/5.0.4 DAV/2  
+ MySQL/4.1.12] @ MacOS X 10.4

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