[TYPO3] breadcrumb like <title></title>

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Fri Jun 2 16:36:16 CEST 2006

Vandemaele David wrote:
> Hello,
> I want every (sub)level in the menu to be a part of the HTML title.
> So, if my menu looks like this:
> 1. contact
> 1.1 form
> 1.2 route
> 2. help
> And the visitor clicks on 1.2, the title tag should look like this:
> <title>Domain :: Contact :: Route</title>
> Can this be done?
> David

in principle make title as a menu.
you should first disable the normal title

something like

config.noPageTitle = 2

page.headerData.11 =HMENU
page.headerData.11.special = rootline
page.headerData.11.1 = TMENU

page.headerData.11.1.wrap = |
page.headerData.11.1 {

NO.allWrap =   | &nbp;::&nbsp; |*||*|   |
1.NO {
    linkWrap = | :: |*||*| |
    doNotLinkIt = 1

There might be some errors in option split but in priciple something
like that should work

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