[TYPO3] TCA-field 'group' for fileupload on flexform-sheets for different types only works with workaround, bug?

Thomas Hempel thomas at work.de
Wed Jul 26 16:27:09 CEST 2006

Hi Johannes,

> I am not experienced enough to judge whether it is a bug, a feature ;-) 
> or my stupidity:
> My extension makes use of a type-field to generate different flexforms 
> for each one. I do produce them using dynaflex, but this should make no 
> difference in this case. Now the bug:
It makes a difference!

The problem is, at the point you saving your form. The TCA is rebuild in the 
background. At the point where the data is stored in the database (and 
especially where the files from group fields are moved) dynaflex was not executed!
So the what you do have in your TCA (flexform strcuture) is what you have 
written down by hand. No modifications where made by dynaflex yet.

The problem is, that TYPO3 knows the data and the fieldname, but it doesn't know 
the config of the fields (that where created by DynaFlex). So it simply stores 
the values of the fields into the field in the database without any special 
handing for different fieldtypes. (Moving files, evaluating etc)

What you have to do is to call DynaFlex *before* this point in the storing 
process. And give it an environment where it can create the correct flexform 
Where dynaflex has to be called is described in the most recent manual, which is 
available in the TER. http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/search/dynaflex/1.5.1/

> PS: Would typo3.dev be a better place to post this or ext-dev-related 
> things in future?
Yes please!



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