[TYPO3] TS and date

Tyler Kraft headhunterxiii at yahoo.ca
Tue Jul 18 11:49:42 CEST 2006

there is already a ts conditional

do this:

#default wrap
dataWrap={date: d}<sup>th</sup> of {date: F} {date: Y}

[dayofmonth = 1,21,31]
dataWrap={date: d}<sup>st</sup> of {date: F} {date: Y}
[dayofmonth = 2,22]
dataWrap={date: d}<sup>nd</sup> of {date: F} {date: Y}
[dayofmonth = 3,23]
dataWrap={date: d}<sup>rd</sup> of {date: F} {date: Y}

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