[TYPO3] content.space

Bas van der Togt b.vandertogt at profinit.com
Mon Jul 17 20:42:52 CEST 2006

This is excectly where i was looking for!
Thank you very much JoH!


JoH schreef:
>>>>>>I tried this but its not working:
>>>>>># spacing
>>>>>>tt_content_right < tt_content
>>>>>>tt_content_right.space = 0|0
>>>>>>page.50 < styles.content.getRight
>>>>>>page.50.renderObj < tt_content_right
>>>>>>What am i doing wrong?
>>>>>Looking into the TypoScript Object Browser (TSOB) you will find
>>>>>that tt_content is a CASE element.
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/current/view/8/17/
>>>>>As you can see there is nothing like space in the list of CASE
>>>>>properties. But there is stdWrap.
>>>>>So this should be working:
>>>>>tt_content_right < tt_content
>>>>>tt_content_right.stdWrap.space = 0|0
>>>>Still not working. What am i doing wrong this time:
>>>Well - it could be interesting to know _what exactly_ is not working
>>>... ;-)
>>I'm trying to set another "content.space =" for my right column.
> Since you have got 3 places to set space with 2 of them offering stdWrap
> properties, you should try this one:
> tt_content.stdWrap.space >
> tt_content.stdWrap.spaceBefore.cObject = CASE
> tt_content.stdWrap.spaceBefore.cObject {
>     key.field = colPos
>     default = 123
>     1 = 234
>     2 = 345
>     3 = 456
> }
> tt_content.stdWrap.spaceAfter.cObject = CASE
> tt_content.stdWrap.spaceAfter.cObject {
>     key.field = colPos
>     default = 123
>     1 = 234
>     2 = 345
>     3 = 456
> }
> Set the values according to the desired spacing for normal (default),
> left(1), right(2) and border(3)
> If you don't want clear.gif you should set this line in addition:
> tt_content.stdWrap.space.useDiv = 1
> Not tested, but should be working
> Joey

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