[TYPO3] TS Help: how to get a link to a page up in the rootline?

Ricardo Scachetti Pereira ricardo at tdwg.org
Mon Jul 17 15:48:52 CEST 2006

    Hi folks,

    I have the following TS in my website template to get the title of 
the parent page. I use that as the header of a menu somewhere else.

  # menu header is title of previous page in rootline
  20.5 = TEXT
  20.5 {
      data = leveltitle : -2
      wrap = <div class="menu1-level1-no">  | </div>

    Now I'm trying to create a link to the parent page using the title 
as the link text, rather than just put a label with the page title (as 
in the script above).

    I tried to replace the wrap line in the TS above by the following 

linkWrap = <div class="menu1-level1-no"><a href="?id={-2}">|</a></div>

    It didn't work because TEXT cObj doesn't support the linkWrap 
property, I suppose.

    So, if anyone would be kind enough to help me, I have two questions:

1) How do I change the above TS to create a link to the parent page, 
instead of just getting its title;
2) How do I know which wrap functions can be used in which cObject 
(wrap, allWrap, linkWrap, etc)?
3) In section 8.3 of TSRef (see link below), it says TEXT cObj has a 
stdWrap property. Is stdWrap the same as plain wrap property?


    Any help is greatly appreciated.



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