[TYPO3] simulate static and mod rewrite

klaus brinch klaus at hafnius.dk
Sun Jul 16 06:16:18 CEST 2006


I have searched in vain for a list of the available parameters for 
simulate Static Documents. I remember reading it once but now i cant 
seem to find it and the search at Typo3.org is not helpful at all. 
Anyone got an url?

Klaus b

Bill Alexy skrev:
> Matthew Manderson wrote:
>> I had this problem on a server recently, the setup I sent you fixed it.
>> Try a:
>> RewriteBase /
>> Make sure you cleared the cache etc.
>> Try also this method.
>> config.simulateStaticDocuments = PATH_INFO
>> Matthew
> Thanks for your help, Matthew. Turns, out RealURL was installed. I R 
> Idiot. Noticed it when I did a TER update check.

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