[TYPO3] Typo3 4.0 Install Problems

Amir M. amir219 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 13 15:35:19 CEST 2006

Christoph Koehler wrote:
>> Also, it would be a good idea, along with making a copy of the  
>> directories and files, to just make a second copy of the database and  
>> use that?  I would have to edit the localconf file to make sure that 
>> the  site will use the new copy right?
> I haven't moved a site yet, but yeah, that's how I would do it. I think  
> besides a database backup and file backup (you can just rename the 
> folders  you would overwrite, no need to 'back them up'), changing 
> localconf would  be the only thing.
> But maybe I don't understand what you are wanting to do. Do you want a  
> completely new copy of your site in a different directory?

Well I want to test out the new Typo3 4.0 version on my website, however 
I dont want it to effect my original site, just incase the 4.0 is 
incompatible with my site, or any other reason.

So basically I want to create a whole new copy in a different directory 
on my webspace to test out 4.0 there, without effecting my original site 
at all.

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