[TYPO3] "Survey": are you using TYPO3 workspaces?

Benjamin Mack bmack at kirix.com
Fri Jul 7 13:20:53 CEST 2006

Hmm, good question ;-).

I was just pointing out what my customers wanted (having a LIVE 
workspace with static HTML files, and the DRAFT workspace for editing / 
playing around with the "publish" button).

Yes, but you can solve this issue with other ways than workspaces, 
true... :-)


Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Benjamin Mack schrieb:
>> Hmm, actually the point was the "static html" thing. Mixing the 
>> workspaces-feature with a "export to static html" button which typo3 
>> cannot handle out of the box right now and the static-export-extensions 
>> for this are not "smooth" enough (yet ;-)).
> Granted, but what has it to do with workspaces?
> Masi
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