[TYPO3] Best way to work with multi language content

Henrik Rasmussen info at hmrdesign.dk
Thu Jul 6 11:54:33 CEST 2006


I have created a site with two languages (danish as default, and english).

I have got the language chooser to work, so all the menu titles changes when 
changing language on the language menu.

How is the best way of working with the content? I have tried the way where 
you have one content element and just translates it. I find it the easyest 
way, but I cant make the frontend show it. Found this on the typo3 wiki, but 
it doesn't work:

Replace this:<T3DataStructure>
    <ROOT type="array">


<meta type="array">
<langChildren type="integer">1</langChildren>
<langDisable type="integer">0</langDisable>
    <ROOT type="array">******************The other way, where you use the 
tabs in TV works.But then you have to copy / paste a lot and can't see the 
original text when translating.In the future a shop extension will be 
implemented. Does this affect this decision anyway?Thanks for the help.Best 
regardsHenrik Rasmussen 

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