[TYPO3] Can't include "not in menu" pages in path menu using includeNotInMenu property

Ricardo Scachetti Pereira ricardo at tdwg.org
Wed Jul 5 15:02:35 CEST 2006

    Hi all,

    For those struggling with the HMENU.includeNotInMenu property, and 
for future reference, here is what I found about property 

    In method tslib_menu.start (file tslib/class.tslib_menu.php line 
210), there's this code below that handles the property 

    if($this->conf['includeNotInMenu']) {
        $exclDoktypeArr = 
        $exclDoktypeArr = 
        $this->doktypeExcludeList = implode(',',$exclDoktypeArr);

    What this code above does, to me, is to remove doktypes 5 from the 
list of excluded doktypes in menus if you set includeNotInMenu. 
Apparently, doktype 5 used to be not in menu pages. But I think this has 
changed and now it is coded into the class property nav_hide instead. 
Doktype now seems to show 1 for standard pages, 4 for shortcuts, and 
something else for advanced, etc.

    Then in method tslib_menu.filterMenuPages (same file, line 855), 
there is a series of IF statements that test whether a page should be 
included on the menu or not.

if (!t3lib_div::inList($this->doktypeExcludeList,$data['doktype']))    
{        // Page may not be 'not_in_menu' or 'Backend User Section'
    if (!$data['nav_hide'])    {    // Not hidden in navigation
        if (!t3lib_div::inArray($banUidArray,$uid))    {    // not in 
banned uid's

    The problem is that the 2nd IF statement will filter out the 
not-in-menu pages even if you set includeNotInMenu in your TS template.

    I really dirty fix (that seems to fix my problem) is this:

    if($this->conf['includeNotInMenu']) {
        $exclDoktypeArr = 
        $exclDoktypeArr = 
        $this->doktypeExcludeList = implode(',',$exclDoktypeArr);
        $this->includeNotInMenu = 1;   // <<<< FLAG ADDED HERE
if (!t3lib_div::inList($this->doktypeExcludeList,$data['doktype']))    
{        // Page may not be 'not_in_menu' or 'Backend User Section'
    if ($this->includeNotInMenu || !$data['nav_hide'])    {    // Not 
hidden in navigation   // <<<<<< FLAG IS VERIFIED HERE
        if (!t3lib_div::inArray($banUidArray,$uid))    {    // not in 
banned uid's

    Note that you will still experience the same (or similar) problems 
if you use HMENU.special property with the following values (and the 
lines causing the problem):

1) HMENU.special = updated

Line 494: $extraWhere = ' AND 
// nav_hide is used in SQL statement directly to filter not-in-menu 
pages out.

2) HMENU.special = keywords

Line 549: $extraWhere = ' AND pages.uid!='.$value.' AND 
// same thing: nav_hide is used in SQL statement directly to filter 
not-in-menu pages out.

3) All menus:

Line 2704: if 
(!t3lib_div::inList($this->doktypeExcludeList,$data['doktype']) && 
!$data['nav_hide'] && !t3lib_div::inArray($banUidArray,$uid))    {    
    // Page may not be 'not_in_menu' or 'Backend User Section' + not in 
banned uid's

    Note that I can only certify that this applies to Typo3 v3.8.1.

    I hope this helps.



Ricardo Scachetti Pereira wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I'm trying to set the property includeNotInMenu to 1 (HMENU) to 
> generate a path menu (breadcrumbs). I want to display all subpages in 
> this menu, including those with "not in menu"  property set.
>     I tried it in many different ways, but I can't get the "not in menu" 
> pages to show up. Here's a snippet of my template:
> temp.path = HMENU
> # Setting the special property to "rootline" - this will produce a 
> "Path-menu"
> temp.path.special = rootline
> temp.path.includeNotInMenu = 1
> #temp.path.excludeDoktypes = 5,6  # I tried this line uncommented, with 
> different values and didn't work
> # First level menu-object, textual
> temp.path.1 = TMENU
> # Wrapping value for the whole menu:
> temp.path.1.wrap = Path: &nbsp; |
> temp.path.1 {
>     # Normal state properties appending " > " to all elements but the one.
>     # (See "optionSplit")
>     NO.allWrap = |&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp; |*||*| |
> }
>     The property includeNotInMenu is described in the documentation 
> (link below), but it doesn't show up on the TSRef browser from my Typo3 
> instance.
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/current/view/8/11/
>     I did search for solutions on the mailing list archives, Typo3.org 
> documentation and Google without luck. Google shows some references to 
> others having the same problems, but I couldn't find solutions.
>     I'm using Typo3 v3.8.1 and my templates follow the instructions on 
> Modern Template Building.
>     Any help is greatly appreciated.
>     Best regards,
> Ricardo
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