[TYPO3] TS path to current address with realURL
Pawel Stanislawczuk
ps at todesign.pl
Wed Jul 5 13:56:26 CEST 2006
I've to explain this:
http://www.site.pl/content/subcontent/ is http://www.site.pl/index.php?id=15
after RealURL.
I don't think your solution will help, but I found another solution:
'current_url' => $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'],
I put this to take the xml to flash. everything forks fine, but now the
rss.xml is not generated in root address:
TYPO3 is telling me that "The requested page does not exist!"
Maby it is that way becouse on this address I have page Type: Shortcut to
News page?
So when I enter http://www.site.pl/ in normal HTML content I see the news
from: http://www.site.pl/news, but the rss.xml is not generated. When I type
in my browser address http://www.site.pl/news, the xml is generated. What is
Pawel Stanislawczuk
Uzytkownik "Benjamin Mack" <bmack at kirix.com> napisal w wiadomosci
news:mailman.236.1152096245.23537.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hy Dmitry,
> At first I thought the same way you do, but then I figured: "Hey, the
> typo3-supplied .htaccess file lies in /content/subcontent/.htaccess" and
> not in the root directory. If it is in the root directory you have to work
> on that file because stuff like this
> RewriteRule .* index.php [L]
> would not work if your typo3 installation is in "/content/subcontent/"
> That's why you have two .htaccess files:
> a) the one in the root directory:
> http://www.site.pl/.htaccess
> the empty one I just told to create ;-)
> b) the one in the typo3 installation directory:
> http://www.site.pl/content/subcontent/.htaccess
> which is the one coming from the typo3 installation you don't need to
> alter.
> Wrong?
> greetings,
> benni.
> -SDG-
> Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Benjamin Mack wrote:
>>> just create an empty .htaccess file in your root directory:
>> ...and ruin url rewriting with empty .htaccess :)
>>> Add this line to the .htaccess file:
>>> Redirect /rss.xml http://www.site.pl/content/subcontent/rss.xml
>> So, add this line in typo3-supplied .htaccess.
>> Dmitry.
>> P.S. Benjamin, I like simplicity of your solution!
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