[TYPO3] Print button mit und ohne JS

Bjoern Kraus krausbn at php.net
Fri Feb 3 12:14:08 CET 2006


I already posted this issue in the German list but didn't get an answer 
to it. So sorry to those who read both lists :)

Using TS I generate a print button which pops up in a new window. Now I 
want the button to work if JS is disabled (using "_blank" as target to 
open a new window without JS).
IMHO the typoLink function generates either JS code or HTML code (using 
href). Is it possible to have both?

Here is my code so far:

         # Print button
         PRINT = TEXT
         PRINT {
             value = Print
             typolink {
                 additionalParams = &type=98
                 parameter = {TSFE:id} 480x500
                 JSwindow_params = 
                 parameter.insertData = 1
                 ATagParams =  title="Print view (opens a new window)"
                 target = _blank
                 wrap = <div id="print">|</div>

Best Regards

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