[TYPO3] "crazy" link behaviour gmenufoldout top element

Robert Becker r.becker at v3-media.de
Thu Feb 2 13:09:58 CET 2006


i am just doing the finishing of a client website and noticed a kind  
of crazy link behaviour with gmenufoldout.

here is the link:

when i am on a subpage f.e.

1. Die CMS AG
    - Tätigkeitsfeld

and want to click-back to the mainpage "Die CMS AG" this is not  
possible, although there is a link around the main item. the link  
only works 2-4px above the type

i tried everything from just changing the x,y size and all the  
foldout parameters but could not understand why this happens.

so here is may temp gmenu code:

### NAV1 ###
includeLibs.gmenu_foldout = media/scripts/gmenu_foldout.php
temp.foldoutMenu = HMENU
temp.foldoutMenu.1 = GMENU_FOLDOUT
temp.foldoutMenu.1.NO {
   XY = 150,[10.h]+[20.h]+7
   backColor = #FFFFFF
   10 = TEXT
   10.text.field = title
   10.fontFile = fileadmin/templates/fonts/tahoma-bold.ttf
   10.align = right
   10.niceText = 0
   10.fontSize = 11
   10.fontColor = #3665BF
   10.offset = 0,12
   10.text.listNum.splitChar = :
   10.text.listNum = 0
   20 = TEXT
   20.text.field = title
   20.text.listNum.splitChar = :
   20.text.listNum = 1
   20.fontFile = fileadmin/templates/fonts/tahoma-bold.ttf
   20.align = right
   20.niceText = 0
   20.fontSize = 11
   20.fontColor = #3665BF
   20.offset = 0,24
temp.foldoutMenu.1.RO  < temp.foldoutMenu.1.NO
temp.foldoutMenu.1.RO = 1
temp.foldoutMenu.1.RO {
   1 = IMAGE
   1.file = fileadmin/templates/data/bullet.gif
   1.offset =150-[10.w]-12,5
temp.foldoutMenu.1.ACT  < temp.foldoutMenu.1.RO
temp.foldoutMenu.1.ACT = 1
temp.foldoutMenu.1.ACT {
   1 = IMAGE
   1.file = fileadmin/templates/data/bullet.gif
   2 = BOX
temp.foldoutMenu.2 = TMENU
temp.foldoutMenu.2.NO {
   linkWrap = <br>|*|<br><br>|*|
temp.foldoutMenu.2.ACT  < temp.foldoutMenu.2.NO
temp.foldoutMenu.2.ACT = 1
temp.foldoutMenu.2.ACT {
   linkWrap = <br><b>|</b>|*|<br><br><b>|</b>
   doNotLinkIt = 1
temp.foldoutMenu.1 {
   hideMenuWhenNotOver = 1
   dontWrapInTable = 1
   displayActiveOnLoad = 1
   dontLinkIfSubmenu = 0
   foldSpeed = 0
   subMenuOffset = 0,15
   menuOffset = 0,140
   menuBackColor = #FFFFFF
   menuWidth = 150

maybe i am just to blind after hours of trying.
thanks in advance!

kind regards

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