[TYPO3] TS Conditions

Christopher Torgalson bedlamhotel at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 23:31:02 CET 2006


On 12/29/06, Antonio Willybiro <keiser_soze at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer.
> The thing I would be missing is the 'elseif' for all other pages
> Any idea about that?

Ah--I usually build the entire object first, and then change the
relevant bits with conditions. Something like this works:

# The basic object:
lib.foo = HTML
lib.foo.value = foobar
lib.foo.value.wrap = <h1>|</h1>

[globalVar = TSFE:id=1]
  # The object when page id = 1
  lib.foo.value = foo
[globalVar = TSFE:id=2]
  # The object when page id = 2
  lib.foo.value = bar

Christopher Torgalson

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