[TYPO3] change title from extension

Stano Paška stano.paska at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 13:03:16 CET 2006


I need change page title and H1 from extension.

My title setting is:

config.noPageTitle = 2
page.headerData.1 = TEXT
page.headerData.1 {
  field = title
  noTrimWrap = |<title>| - some text</title>|
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEMPLATE
page.10.marks.H1 = TEXT
page.10.marks.H1.data = page:title

I tried:

$GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['page.']['headerData.']['1.']['value'] =
'New title';
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['title'] = 'New title';

but it looks like it was processed before and this changes does not work.

When I remove config.noPageTitle, it works.
But I need that. Or if you have other way to add text after title...


Stano Paška.

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