[TYPO3] images in BE FILELIST have no thumbnail, path issue?

Andrew Davis andrew at theandrewunderground.com
Wed Dec 13 04:23:57 CET 2006

In the BE, fileadmin, when im browsing a folder of images i have 
uploaded, i can see them but if i check ENABLE THUMBNAILS, i dont see 
any previews. If i click the name of the image, a popup window opens and 

not found / 404.

The interesting thing is the url in error window is is here

and it SHOULD be this

literally, "~camppath/" is missing from the img src on the backend.

If i select this image in a text w/image CI, it appears fine on frontend.

So my question is, is there someplace on the backend i need to tell 
typo3 what the site root is ?

Or is this something I need to specify in ts someplace? I looked thru 
the install tool ALL CONFIGURATION, but not sure if what im looking for 
is there.

please be specific or point me to some specific reference.

Thanks in advance,
Andrew Davis

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