[TYPO3] Chc forum new posts

Syed S. Rahman shikeb at srijan.in
Mon Dec 11 13:22:38 CET 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to display an image or a bullet against threads and 
conferences which have new posts instead of "n new posts"? Is it 
possible using some TypoScript setting for the plugin? It would be 
really an easy thing to do if I am somehow able to add a class attribute 
to the tr tag containing such a conference title or thread title. But 
till now I haven't been able to do so. As an example default 
cat_view.tpl template comes with a dd tag with a class="new" attribute 
and inside it is a {conf_new} marker, this marker gets replaces with the 
"n new posts" thing. But I cant add a class to the row containing the 
updated conference.

Warm Regards.

Syed S. Rahman.
shikeb at srijan.in

Srijan Technologies India Pvt Ltd.
304, Bakshi House,
Nehru Place,
New Delhi.

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