[TYPO3] no image with sr_freeCap

Lukas Rueegg lru at rtpartner.ch
Tue Dec 5 19:34:32 CET 2006

hi all

after installing sr_freeCap, i tried to implement it into the tmailform 
but got an error.

the form gets displayed, also the message where the captcha should 
appear, but the image is not generated. if accessing the captcha script 
directly with

i get the following error:
NO entry in the $TCA-array for the table "sys_language". This means that 
the function enableFields() is called with an invalid table name as 

which is a die() call in class.t3lib_page.php on line 994.

but i really have no clue what's going wrong here... yes, the website is 
multilanguage and languages are enabled and working correctly. even if i 
append the '?L=0' string in the url, the same error appears.

does anybody has a hint?

thanks and best regards


Lukas Rüegg


Rüegg Tuck Partner GmbH
Josefstrasse 92, CH-8005 Zürich

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