[TYPO3] probs with sr_feuser_register's javascript
superportlet at yahoo.de
Wed Aug 9 17:36:44 CEST 2006
so you're saying that the js-file is from the core? why is it contained
in the extension then, too?
couldn't it be called directly from the core?
does anyone have a clue how to find the error?
Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
> Hi!
> David wrote:
>> someone told me about the form being filled by a javascript (don't
>> understand why this can't be done by php).
> This is how typo3 backend works. This is not specific to sr_feuser_register.
>> now i'm wondering where this function would usually be called. i
>> searched all files contained in the extension for the string
>> 'updateForm' but only found the place where the js-file is included into
>> the header not where the function is called.
> It is in the typo3 core, not in the extension.
>> maybe someone on this list knows how to solve this problem. if not maybe
>> someone who is runnig sr_feuser_Register could go to his edit page and
>> post this pages markup? the call to 'updateForm()' should be somewhere
>> on this page - shouldn't it?
> I used it two times but never had any problems with it.
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