[TYPO3] Is it safe to use DBAL?

Martin Kindler kindlerm at arcor.de
Mon Apr 3 10:37:10 CEST 2006

Hi all!

Some weeks ago Nikolas Hagelstein asked in a previous thread how to
integrate multiple data bases. He was advised to use the DBAL extension.

I have the same problem and was happy to apparently find a solution for it.

DBAL is marked as Beta and for a production system I would not use a beta
solution. I know the state of extensions in T3 is always a bit strange
(widely used extensions are marked beta (or even alpha, if I remember
correctly) for years. Also the documentation states that there are problems
with the "native" handler type, which I would prefer to use for performance
reasons as all my data bases are (currently) handled by the same instance of
a MySQL server. This might change in the future, thus an abstraction layer
would be helpful.

So, the question is: would you advise to build on DBAL or better use a
home-grown simple MySQL-only approach?


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