[Typo3] I want 404's !!

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Thu Jun 30 20:03:44 CEST 2005

I just posted this in another thread, but here is my working setup with 
the 404 extension

1) Patched 404page_not_found.php.  This file resides at the root of my 

Line 106 changes from...


2) Included the 404 page in my .htaccess file (along with mod_rewrite 
for RealURL).  These lines are what allows the 404 extension to be 
executed when a page is not found.

ErrorDocument 404 404page_not_found.php
ErrorDocument 500 404page_not_found.php

3) Set up a domain record for the root page in my site.  When the 404 
extension is installed, you can set a redirect page there.

I'm using RealURL on the site and I have not set up the 
pageNotFound_handling in localconf.php.

Hope that helps...


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