AW: [Typo3] setting direct mail format to "html" as default

Alexander Schories alexander at
Thu Jun 30 08:40:07 CEST 2005

Hello Oliver, 

> try this...
> set up.
> # standard als html
> plugin.feadmin.dmailsubscription{
>   table=tt_address
>   create.overrideValues.disable = 1
>   create.overrideValues.module_sys_dmail_html = 1
> }

Oliver, you made my day !!!  Thank you so much!!

This one works perfect! After all the other methods failed..

However, i still have no clue, why esp. this new site refused all the known
methods?! Strange..

Once again, Oliver: THANK YOU !!! 8)

Kind Regards

Alexander Schories
Tuebingen, Germany

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