[Typo3] RSS Export 'The page is not configured (Type=334)'

Maidment, Paul Paul.Maidment at isd.csa.scot.nhs.uk
Tue Jun 28 15:38:10 CEST 2005

Hello All,

I am following the tutorial on how to generate RSS feeds at

I keep getting the message


The page is not configured! [type= 334][] "

I am unsure of why this is happening as I have followed the tutorial to the

I am using the following plugin versions
pmk_rssnewsexport 0.1.4
tt_news  		1.0.4

With Typo3 version 3.7.0 (Upgrade is not an option -- at this stage -- as we
have done months of user acceptance work prior to putting this into use)

Any help would be appreciated,
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