[Typo3] insert page content in templates?

Anders Carlén anders at carlens.se
Tue Jun 28 12:34:38 CEST 2005

Christopher, Thank you for your help again,
It has been interesting working on this for the last 12 hours. I am 
learning a lot... slowly but surely.

> You're right, sorry! I hadn't realized that it showed the 'old school'
> way. Anders, here's a more up-to-date  (and slightly simpler) way,
> complete:

I have managed to get almost everything up and running - but can´t seem 
to get the redirection to work. (When a user logs on, they should be 
sent to index.php?id=1 and when they log out they should be sent to 
index.php?id=47 )

I tried adding this to the field "redirect":

<input name="redirect_url" value="index.php?id=47" type="hidden" />

Do I have to add something more?


For reference: The whole code in my TypoScript Setup follows:

############ NEW SCHOOL ##########
# Login stuff:

lib.forms.logout = COA
lib.forms.logout {
5 = COA
5 {
     stdWrap.dataWrap = <form action="index.php?id={TSFE:id}" 

     5 = HTML
     5.value = <p><strong>You are logged in as:[<!--###USERNAME###-->]. 
</strong> <input name="submit_2" id="tx-newloginbox-pi1-logout_submit" 
value="Logout" type="submit" class="button" /> <input name="submit" 
id="tx-newloginbox-pi1-logout_submit" type="image" 
src="fileadmin/template/images/icons/log_out.gif" width="10" height="8" 
vspace="2" border="10" alt="Logout"/> </p>

     10 = HTML
     10.value = <input name="logintype" value="logout" type="hidden" />

     15 = HTML
     15.value = <input name="pid" value="46" type="hidden" />


lib.forms.login = COA
lib.forms.login {
   stdWrap.dataWrap = <form action="index.php?id={TSFE:id}" 

   5 = HTML
   5.value (
     <p><strong>Registered user login:</strong></p>
       <label for="tx-newloginbox-pi1-user">Username:</label> <input 
name="user" value="" id="tx-newloginbox-pi1-user" type="text" 
class="field" />
       <label for="tx-newloginbox-pi1-pass">Password:</label> <input 
name="pass" value="" id="tx-newloginbox-pi1-pass" type="password" 
class="field" />
       <input name="submit" value="Login" 
id="tx-newloginbox-pi1-login_submit" type="submit" class="button" /></p>
     <input name="logintype" value="login" type="hidden" />
     <input name="pid" value="46" type="hidden" />
     <input name="redirect_url" value="index.php?id=47" type="hidden" />

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