[Typo3] setting direct mail format to "html" as default

Alexander Schories alexander at schories.com
Tue Jun 28 12:26:33 CEST 2005

Dear list members,

i have many sites running great with having "html" as the default newsletter
/ direct mail format.

However, one new site simply does not seem to like what worked all the time
before (and still works for all the other sites..) - i tried:

a) added following TS options in the main template:

= 1
= 1

b) replaced the checkbox against this line: 

<input name="FE[tt_address][module_sys_dmail_html]" type="hidden" value="1">

c) even set within mysql:

"module_sys_dmail_html" now defaults to "1"

Nothing from above helped. And yes, i cleared *all* caches, even manually on
the server..

Your help and ideas are *highly* appreciated! 8)

Thank you!

Kind Regards

Alexander Schories
Tuebingen, Germany

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