[Typo3] print link

Sacha Vorbeck sachav at gmx.net
Sun Jun 26 17:07:37 CEST 2005


> The image is displaye correctl, all works, but I noticed, that not only 
> image and text print site are the link, but the whole row!! I do not know 
> what is going on. The HTML output of this fragment is:

> So what is going on?
> :)

TS does what you told it to do ;-).

You added the link or the postUserFunc to the COA object which also
contains the <div class=printer>.

If you only want the image and the text to be linked, try this:

temp.PRINT = COA
temp.PRINT {
  stdWrap {
    wrap = <div class=printer> | </div>
  10 = COA
  10 {
    10 = TEXT
    10.value = print site&nbsp;
    20 = IMAGE
    20.file =  fileadmin/template/main/images/printericon.gif
    stdWrap {
      postUserFunc = tx_make_printlink
      postUserFunc {
        target = _blank
        popup = 1
        windowparams =
        windowname = printwindow


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