[Typo3] content header style

Christoph Koehler christoph.koehler at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 16:07:39 CEST 2005

I style them with CSS so far, but I am very interested in using a  
different font file. I don't know how usable it is, if for some reason the  
image doesn't load, or for blind people and screenreaders, they won't have  
a clue what it is about.
So I was really wondering how to change the 'Layout 1' , 'Layout 2', etc  
for headers. Since I can pick, I should be able to change 'how' it does it  
Thanks though! Do you happen to know where this is documented in like  
TSref or something?


On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 19:09:36 -0500, Daniel Doesburg <typo3 at doesburg.biz>  

> Christoph Koehler schreef:
>> how do I change the default layouts for normal page headers?
> Here an example how I did it. Put it in a template (setup):
> lib.stdheader.10.1 >
> lib.stdheader.10.1 = IMAGE
> lib.stdheader.10.1.file = GIFBUILDER
> lib.stdheader.10.1.file {
>    XY = [10.w]*3/2 , [10.h]+20
>    backColor = white
>    transparentBackground=1
>    10 = TEXT
>    10.text.current = 1
>    10.fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/xxxxx.ttf
>    10.fontSize = 32
>    10.fontColor = #660000
>    10.niceText = 1
>    10.offset = [10.h],[10.h]+10
> }
> lib.stdheader.10.2 < lib.stdheader.10.1
> lib.stdheader.10.2.file.10.fontSize = 28
> lib.stdheader.10.3 < lib.stdheader.10.1
> lib.stdheader.10.3.file.10.fontSize = 24
> lib.stdheader.10.4 < lib.stdheader.10.1
> lib.stdheader.10.4.file.10.fontSize = 20
> lib.stdheader.10.5 < lib.stdheader.10.1
> lib.stdheader.10.5.file.10.fontSize = 16
> Regards,
> Daniel

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