[Typo3] just a word of praise!
McCluskey, Chris (ISD)
Chris.McCluskey at isd.csa.scot.nhs.uk
Wed Jun 22 17:42:50 CEST 2005
This is getting tedious...
"If you use deprecated ways to build sites, you will suffer from
backwards compatibility reasons." - you really didn't grasp what I was
talking about, unless you consider typoScript as the future and expect to
see if in applications other than Tyop3. You don't, do you?
"120.000 installations with a high count of editors who are used to the
system now" - that doesn't make it usable. It's also an irrelevant and
insular way of thinking about a product. If there was a better version
people would shift to it i.e. Mac OS 9 to OS X or Windows 98/2000 to XP.
"Could you clarify things?" - Essentially, the developers of Typo3 need
input from people who aren't developers or individuals who, like yourself,
use it constantly.
"I can only make assumptions now, but I guess you are using the static
templates content(default)..." - default is the key word here.
Now, I did admit that initially I was posting for the sake of mischief, but
in this and my previous post I've have offered genuine (although admittedly
vague) suggestions about typo3. Instead of thinking how to respond to this
post why not think about what's in this post.
-----Original Message-----
From: typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
[mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de]On Behalf Of Mathias
Schreiber [wmdb>]
Sent: 22 June 2005 16:13
To: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de
Subject: Re: [Typo3] just a word of praise!
McCluskey, Chris (ISD) wrote:
> Easy tiger... my point is (and I do apologise for my posts - just a bit of
> mischief) I think Typo3 to an extent reinvents the wheel and as such can
> pointless. If I'm going to take time to learn something I want it to be
> scalable and I don't want it to limit me to one product open source or
> otherwise - from that point of view I think Typo3 has gone down a
> style route, rather than following standards that will allow different
> product to interact with each other in a manageable way.
Where do you see the problems?
If you use deprecated ways to build sites, you will suffer from
backwards compatibility reasons.
> It's also not the best system from a usability point of view. I think a
> complete overhaul would be the best and the involvement of people with an
> understanding of HCI from ground level would be invaluable.
Could you clarify things?
I personally know my way through TYPO3 while being asleep but this is
only (I guess) because I am doing nothing else in my worktime.
So where do you as a quite new user see potential to change things?
Please keep in mind that there are more than 120.000 installations with
a high count of editors who are used to the system now.
> The system makes too many assumptions and you have to spend months undoing
> defaults. If Typo3 was a good framework it would be cleaner, allowing you
> build from a neutral base.
I can olny make assumptionns now, but I guess you are using the static
templates content(default) with or without cSet templates.
You do know that you do not need those?
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['ahnung'] == 0) {
$this->fresseHalten = 1;
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